Centre of Mentoring

The Centre of Mentoring is a unique complex organization for adult and youth. Centre is involved in the field of education, healfy lifestyle, gender and monitoring of equal opportunities development in the Czech Republic. And it´s specialist for mentoring. Our aim is to provide adults with a chance to develop, self-motivate, self-understand and achieve self-fulfillment. We try to assist adults  in getting to know themselves, their potential and abilities and to help them to develop all these aspects. We also teach our klients how to be a good mentor and how to disseminate experience other people. We educate through experience and practical exercises - we were inspired by life. We  treat to each person individually in order to help them with integrate into harmonious life. We use these methods in systems and projects for schools, businesses and public institutions and we help them wiht recovery and implementation of systems for better working environment.


Target group

The Centre was established for businesswomen and businessmen, employed, unemployed adults looking for a new career and people who want to improve themselves. We also support students, pupils, children and teachers.
  • Individuals
  • Schools - we hepl with solve problems of criminality, bullying, truancy…
  • Companies - we hepl to create prevention from stress, to harmonizing the space according Feng shui, to reduce disputes and conflicts on the workplace  and we improve of communication environment of companies


Methods of training

Mentoring * Teaching based of experience (games) * Meditation * Relaxation * Breathing exercises * Networking * Rounded Tables * Blended learning



National Activities

- Coordinator of project "People to People" - Suppot for the Nízký Jeseník Region through Citizens' Initiative and Sustainable Development.



- Coordinator of project "Employment tailored" - The target group of project are long-term unempoyed from in Olomouc Region. The main idea is to enable project participants expand their career prospects.



- Coordinator of project "Heart on palm"help for young people people with low level of education and for people that care about close relatives with dissability



-  Partners of "Healthy School" Project creating of mentoring network for students and teachers


Implementer of "The way to do business" Project Education of individuals into three types of business: Hospitability, Bio farms, Children´s Centre


International Projects 


Partnership Action for Tourism; Leonardo da Vinci - Partnerships

The project will lay the foundations for a long-term path towards the migration of Mentor profile in the European Qualification Framework.  The project focuses upon the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism industry (HLTT) as a test-bed to identify practices and sector/organisational benefits.  


- Women understanding Women" Project; Grundtvig - Partnerships


The goal of project is strengthening women dialogue about sense theme across Europe.




Email: centrummentoringu@seznam.cz